
Cozy Sick Day

This past weekend Matt & I spent most of our time, curled up on the couch watching football and fighting off a cold.. Dallas got a wicked cold front last week, I’m talking highs of 60, and let’s just say […]

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annies-chicken-noodle-soupThis past weekend Matt & I spent most of our time, curled up on the couch watching football and fighting off a cold.. Dallas got a wicked cold front last week, I’m talking highs of 60, and let’s just say Matt and I were not prepared. 

I woke up on Friday with a nasty cold, thanks to the surprise cold front, soooooo we ran to the store and stocked up on sick day essentials. Nothing is worse than getting sick during the busies and happiest time of year, so we knew we had to take this weekend slow and warmup. sick-day-essentials-the-coastal-confidence


I’ve learned the hard way in college, that if you’re sick or know a cold is coming on, DON’T push it off! Take the time out of your schedule to relax and revamp, after all one chill weekend is better than a cold you can’t kick. 

So that was how Matt & I spent our weekend. Warming up, sipping hot cocoa, eating soup and lighting 1,000 Bath and Body Works candles, anyone else buy candles during their annual sale? Matt & I purchased ten candles soooooo we are good for awhile.

Anyway I’ve rounded up my sick day essentials, in case any of you are in the same boat. I’ll be back on Wednesday with some fun and more glamours holiday looks, so until then I’m off to kick this cold’s tush. xx A.

What You’lll Need: 

Chicken Noodle Soup (a lot of it) 

Tea or Hot Cocoa  (helps sooth a scratchy throat) 

The Coziest Blanket EVER (staying  warm & relaxed is key to getting better) 

My Favorite Holiday Movie  (helps me to unwind and relax) 

Lip Balm (my lips are always insanely dry, when I’m sick)

Tissues (you’ll need lots & lots)! 

Fleece Pajamas (TRUST ME) 

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