Okay so makeup is my obsession & my vice. I love love love makeup…but wow is it expensive! & while I love how makeup can bring to life your mood & personality…I also have to remember that makeup is more of a […]
Okay so makeup is my obsession & my vice.
I love love love makeup…but wow is it expensive!
& while I love how makeup can bring to life your mood & personality…I also have to remember that makeup is more of a good thing in moderation
…& I guess that also applies to my other love…coffee.
Which I have to start cutting back on ASAP…but anyways,
Moderation is literally key…when it comes to makeup.
So I am going to share with you guys my fake-it-tilll-ya-make-it all natural makeup look!
Whether running around or going to class, this is my go to look!
:: I first sprits myself with some Urban Decay setting spray (which makes my makeup stay on all day; which basically means I save money on not having to reapply makeup) :: Then I put on my SPF BB Cream from Smashbox (I literally love this stuff… & the fact that it includes SPF is PERFECTION). :: Then I cover up my sleepy eye circles with some Benefit Cosmetic Fake UP. :: & to Matte it all together I dust myself with my fav Marc Jacobs face powder. So after my face looks great I add some Audrey Hepburn eyebrows, some natural eyeshadow, curl my lashes & load on mascara.
Overall my everyday makeup look is typically very casual & sometimes includes a cat-eye or a little colored lip balm.
But (just like everything else in my life) my makeup color palette is typically loaded with NEUTRALS!
I make it a point to use limited makeup, because no one wants to look like they are trying too hard in life {!!!} & trust me, we all know when the makeup face has crossed a line.
& anyways, I alway live by my makeup motto::
Makeup is used to ascent your features not cover them up!
So accent what you love about yourself & add some highlighter, & your off to a great looking start!
Makeup is one of my go to CONFIDENCE boosters & mood elevators.
Makeup allows me to represent myself in the most classic & confident ways possible!
& that’s why I LOVE IT!
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Thanks for reading & yes moderation is super important!
x. TCC