
Road Trip

It’s that time of year… As everyone is getting ready for school and summer is winding down make sure you make your final trips to the beach!!! While this post is late for the typical beach season; I thought I […]


It’s that time of year… As everyone is getting ready for school and summer is winding down make sure you make your final trips to the beach!!! While this post is late for the typical beach season; I thought I would post some after and before beach essentials!

🙂 enjoy the sun, the beach, and the rest of your summers. 🙂

1) Before attending the beach make sure you HYDRATE! Glam up your hydration by grabbing a cute Starbucks refillable cup or a bottle of water.

2) Make sure to apply makeup with SPF in it or any form of sun tan lotion to your face! It’s vey difficult to apply makeup later on in the week if your face is burnt or peeling!!

3) Pack a makeup bag! Fill it with drug store makeup that you can throw on easily before hitting the town! I attached a picture of my to-go Kate Spade bag with my favorite beach makeup.

Stay Confident,


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