
Sleep || It’s My Best Kept Beauty Secret

oh sleep. I love you.  But honestly guys, as college students I often feel like we put sleep at the end of the to-do lists. Which is horrid and often bites us in the butt. Cause sleep is super important when […]

sleep is kingoh sleep. I love you. 

But honestly guys, as college students I often feel like we put sleep at the end of the to-do lists. Which is horrid and often bites us in the butt. Cause sleep is super important when it comes to looking your best. 

I understand though, we all live super busy & extremely glamours lives, so who needs sleep, right? Well sorry but I do.

Yea, I am that friend on Saturday night who will manage till about 10pm & then end up falling asleep right in front of your eyes. Just a little lack of sleep, can end up sending me into a weekend of hibernation (& neither my friends or I enjoy that). 

So I (being a real life sleeping beauty), have to put a lot of thought into my weekly sleeping schedule. & if you are on the same struggle bus as me…then this is what to do!

Okay so as college women, we wake up, go to class, workout, work, eat three meals (hopefully) & then crash for about a 5 hour nap; before having to wake up & redo the list (mama mia). 

So I am putting a stop to this sleeping issue this semester. Done. Over. Finished.

& I am doing so by walking up early (ahh horrid)…I know that sounds like it won’t help but it does! Okay so by waking up early, and heading to campus a good hour before my classes begin, allows me the time to start some of those things on that daily to do list ( I literally can’t live without my to do list ). 

Getting up early (even though I hate it) helps me beast through the day, & always me to actually enjoy my free time at the end of day. Now instead of having to scramble to do last min. homework, I have plenty of time to relax, catch up on New Girl, & actually do some hard-core Pinning on Pinterest.the coastal confidence, sleep!

Also who doesn’t like setting the sleep reset button

No matter how bad your day was, or what you have left to do, it all just kind of drifts away while you sleep. Sleep is a time to relax and let your body get back to it’s A game.

Without sleep you’re just going to be a cranky hot mess that will make people run & hide. 

So hit that reset button, go to bed early & make the most of your mornings. Also sleep  helps with your skin’s beauty…so I think that makes it just as important as exercising. Cause who doesn’t want glowing skin! 

Off to run errands now & hit the sack hard tonight :). How do you guys manage sleep in college? Is it nonexistent or a priority! Let me know. 


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