
‘+ Social Media Debrief.

Okay so I know social media has it’s pros & it’s cons… Yet this month I am mildly obsessing over Pinterest & you can check out my account { HERE }.  & really….can you blame me!!! & since it’s sunday, & Sundays are […]

pinterestpic2Okay so I know social media has it’s pros & it’s cons…

Yet this month I am mildly obsessing over Pinterest & you can check out my account { HERE }

& really….can you blame me!!!

pinterestpic1& since it’s sunday,

& Sundays are meant for R & R. 

I figured today is the perfect day to explain why I think Pinterest is the “boss” of all social medias!

I know everyone loves a good Instagram, but Pinterest is literally a blank canvas waiting for you to design, anyway you want. 

Pinterest covers so many passions, from cooking to fashion & epic lifestyles in-between. 

& my fav fav fav part about Pinterest is that everyone’s account emphasis their own personal style. 

I’ll break it down for ya:: 

+ If your addicted to delicious homemade goods…well you’ll be on Pinterest for hours. 

+ If you want to get domestic with some recipes..well Pinterest is loaded up. 

+ If you want to play People magazine editor, then get ready; because celebrity cameos are high in quantity 

+ if you want to design your future home from the inside to the out…well Pinterest is your home girl! 

People so so so underestimate Pinterest!

People ( & I use to be one of those peeps) are constantly thinking Pinterest is just for the fashion hunters & quote lovers. 

But it’s not!!!! 

Trust me at first I was totally against the concept of Pinterest. It just seemed like a lot of work for no reward. & I am totally about the ROI in life.

But I was totally wrong & let me explain why: 

A little about me :: 

okay I am a “future planner”. I always have been & always will be; & basically that’s what drove me to love Pinterest

I loving thinking, dreaming & planning for the future.

& Pinterest is basically the largest online dream board you will ever make.

& as a visual person, Pinterest allows me to create a board that captures a glimpse of who I am now & where I want to be later!  pinterestpic3


My love of Pinterest is directly correlated with my future oriented personality.

& I love using Pinterest as a platform to show of my passions with all of you! & on that note make sure to check out my Pinterest Board Below: 


So why do you love Pinterest?

Is it for the food porn hashtags or the boards on boards of Handsome Gents? 

Let me know below! 



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